Wednesday, August 26, 2015

About Me

My name is Ian Huang. I pride myself especially on my introspection, I have a plethora of hobbies and I listen to music ardently. I grew up listening to my sister practicing violin and as a result, I grew to be extremely fond of "classical music", especially from the Romantic Period. Nocturnes by Chopin never cease to relax me and I always marvel at the advanced techniques involved in Paganini's pieces, but recently I've expanded my music taste. Depending on my mood, I enjoy listening to a wide variety of music including The Beatles, Pink Floyd, and Ratatat, among many others. I don't only listen to music, however, I have also been learning to play violin. I'm not good enough for me to be happy with it because I can never find the time to practice, but I absolutely adore listening to great violinists such as Jascha Heifetz.

My Meyers-Briggs personality type is INTP, known to be the most logical, but the least socially adept of all the types. This is only a stereotype, but it of course contains some truth - I highly value logic (being a Thinker) and I am aloof among people I am not well acquainted with (as an Introvert). Being an iNtuitive (vs Sensing) type, I love theoretical ideas and a stream of random thoughts is constantly flowing through my mind.

When I was younger, I spent all my time creating a multitude of Lego creations from scratch. I developed a love for designing and creating things and although I haven't created anything as big as my duct tape boat from a couple years ago, I still spend a lot of time on tinkering. I like to take scrap material I find and make whatever comes to mind. An example of this is the avian paper sculpture I made about a year ago from scraps I had sitting around. My hobbies aren't just limited to tinkering and art, of course. I enjoy almost all athletics, especially biking and playing tennis.
This is from when I was twelve. The boat is PVC and duct tape (pool noodle for a backrest)

My taste in books, movies, and music has always been strongly influenced by my sister. As I grew older, I began to deviate from my sister with the media I consumed, she doesn't listen to nearly as much music as I do, but she plays violin much more often. However, I'll always have a spot in my heart for some things from my childhood, such as watching Studio Ghibli films and discussing the characters of the Ender's Game series with my sister. I still consider her my best friend and we get along so well that people sometimes think we're twins (even though she is actually seven years older than I).
My personal favorite Ghibli movie is probably Spirited Away or Howl's Moving Castle.

This is a design and art website that I often frequent: Colossal
Here's an article detailing the INTP: INTP