Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Acquaintance -----> Close Friend

About a year ago, my trip to Taiwan with my family coincided with a friend's. After making some quick arrangements online, we met up in Taichung, the city of my cousins' home, and spent some time having philosophical conversations and building up new rapport. This picture was taken when we decided to explore the city - we happened to spot an abandoned building in the middle of the bustling city close by the Taichung Train Station (side note: sharing fast food sushi from a random kiosk is wonderful).
This picture is important to me not just because of its subject, but also the richly detailed memory that it conjures upon viewing. I can still taste my scrumptious sashimi salmon bowl... After our adventures of urban exploration this summer, Daniel became one of my closest friends, second to my sister.
(Below are a few more photos from the abandoned building)


  1. Hey Ian! These pictures really are worth a thousand words. I can only imagine how much they may mean to you. How would these photos be different if you were just reading a description of them? What, about seeing them, makes all the difference in its impact on you? This is quite an amazing story you have and really shows a lot about Taiwan and you as well. While the memory that comes with the photos is important, what would make it different if you were just reading about that area? This is amazing and I really enjoyed reading about your story and looking at all the photos!

  2. Hi Ian, Hope everything is well with you and your family. This blog post s nothing short of astounding. Each of these photographs paint a descriptive picture in my mind. One question I have for you, is do you believe that the audience's perception of this blog would be different if words were used rather than pictures? Let me know your response, and I hope you have a great Labor Day.
    Sincerely, Parker
